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GOVERNMENT ALPHA - Mind​-​Altering Substance

GOVERNMENT ALPHA - Mind​-​Altering Substance

Government Alpha should need no introduction. Active since the early 90’s, and with a discography that can only be described as extensive, Government Alpha are among the most influential noise artists of all time, and a core name in Japanese noise.

Mind-Altering Substance, Government Alpha’s umpteenth release, is another solid slab of vicious, unrelenting and abrasive noise as only Government Alpha does it. Migraine-inducing feedback, skull-splitting noises of grinding metal, the despairing wailing of tortured equipment and the death rattles of amps buckling under the pressure, this music truly is mind-altering – or should I say, deranging?

But it’s not just an impenetrable wall of crackling, static noise. Whilst there’s a heavy focus on that, on skull-splitting barrages of audial violence, ever so often Mind-Altering Substance will veer into outlandish experimental territory. Weird effects, unexpected sounds and broken, fractured structures add complexity to the album, making it a demanding, but at the same time rewarding listen. Cut from one cloth, this isn’t.

The album is proof of why Government Alpha is held in such high regard. Even after three decades and countless releases, the Japanese act sounds potent, inspired and energetic. Neither age nor wear make themselves heard on Mind-Altering Substance.

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